Environment Leadership

Georgia Tech’s Carbon Reduction Challenge

For the 2020 Georgia Tech Carbon Reduction Challenge (CRC) Agnes
Scott College’s Center for Sustainability was invited to participate and
recruited me to be the volunteer student representative. To begin, I
administered a pre-survey to four different departments at Agnes
Scott to collect data on their transportation behaviors. Overall, 33
people received the survey and 26 replied. Throughout the response
to the survey, the main concerns I observed were about the need to
commute to and from work.

Therefore, the objective of this project is to improve the Agnes
Scott College current telecommute policy so it will be more
easily used and applicable to more staff. Specifically, I have
drafted revised recommendations and edits to the policy.
The recommendations I propose come as a result of the savings
Agnes has seen since remote learning (Agnes has saved over $80,000
on utility bills. Based on the current trend of telecommuting, Agnes is
anticipating to save over $320,000 a year).

By expanding and revising the current telecommute policy, Agnes’s
sustainability will increase due to the explicit and hidden benefits of
telecommuting; benefits ranging from the saving of carbon emission
rates, a decrease in utility/energy bills and usage, saving employee’s
personal time and money, and saving the lifespan of work equipment
from wear-and-tear. Overall, I discovered, that Agnes Staff can save over 5,508 pounds of CO2 and $537/year. To view my final report and presentation and report, please review below.

CRC Presentation Final


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